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***Today's Lead Photo****

The Lost Coast of Northern California

The Lost Coast is a mostly natural and undeveloped area of the California North Coast in Humboldt and Mendocino Counties, which includes the King Range. It was named the `Lost Coast` after the area experienced depopulation in the 1930s. In addition, the steepness and related geotechnical challenges of the coastal mountains made this stretch of coastline too costly for state highway or county road builders to establish routes through the area, leaving it the most undeveloped and remote portion of the California coast. Without any major highways, communities in the Lost Coast region such as Petrolia, Shelter Cove, and Whitethorn are somewhat isolated from the rest of California.

The region lies roughly between Rockport and Ferndale. At the south end, State Route 1, which runs very close along the coast for most of its length, turns inland at Rockport before merging with U.S. Route 101 at Leggett. At the north end, State Route 211 begins its journey at Ferndale, heading towards Highway 101 in Fernbridge. Section 511 of the California Streets and Highways Code still says that `Route 211 is from Route 1 near Rockport to Route 101 near Fernbridge`, but it is unlikely that the portion of Route 1 south of Ferndale will be built. Most of the region's coastline is now part of either Sinkyone Wilderness State Park or King Range National Conservation Area.


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***Photo of the Day****



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Memorial City Hall Performance Center --ShenandoahMemorial City Hall Performance

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Boogie Woogie Fest 2024

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Texas Sound International Country Music Awards 2024

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Texas Sound International Country Music Awards 2024

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Texas Sound International Country Music Awards 2024

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Memorial City Hall Performance Center - Uptown -- 2024

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Texas Sound International Country Music Awards 2024

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Texas Sound International Country Music Awards 2024

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How Low Did He Go

By Ron Munden - 11/4/2024

This is the follow up to the article I posted titled: “How Low Can He Go” which I posted last week on my website and social media. click here to read the first story

Again, I want everyone to know these are my personal opinions. No one associated with Boogie Woogie Marshall is aware of the content of this article. I do hope everyone in Marshall, including people associated with Boggie Woogie, will read this article. It will be available on social media and the website -

As a reminder, Mr. Watson threw a temper tantrum after hearing that he would be sharing the stage with Wes Jeans and Daryl Davis at the Boogie Woogie fundraiser. Mr. Watson announced he wanted nothing more to do with Boogie Woogie. Mr. Watson quit the Boogie Woogie Marshall project.

At that point I never thought I would write another word about Mr. Watson but the public reserves to know about Mr. Watson’s conduct during this year’s Boogie Woogie Festival. So here is another chapter in “The Case History of Dale Watson.”

On Friday, the first day of the festival, Mr. Watson parked his bus facing the entrance to the festival. The message crawler on his bus read, “FU*K BOOGIEFEST”. Some people were offended by the sign and the police were called. The Chief of Police and City Attorney discussed if this was a “freedom of speech matter.” Since the bus was parked on a public street and people were objecting, they decided this was not a free speech issue. (note: Mr. Watson did not use a "*")

The police contacted Mr. Watson's wife. She said Mr. Watson was not available. The police said since people were complaining, they would write a citation for "Posting Obscene Material" and put it on the bus.


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** East Texas - Harrison County

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***Message for the Day****

***Forms and Shadow Photos****
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***Vintage Photos****
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***Architecture - other photographers' work***
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***Nature Photos - other photographers' work***
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***Picture of the Day -- FLOWERS****

***Picture of the Day -- PEOPLE****

***Picture of the Day -- ODDBALL****

***Just Me - other photographers' work***
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***The Coverup - other photographers' work***
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***Last But Not Least****

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