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My Escape to the Bohemian Bus

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Stairs going into the bus
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The bus is really an art museum that houses a living facility. It is an art-filled space full of good vibes.

In the interest of full disclosure. I am an engineer and a photographer. I am aware that I am not a great writer. For that reason I have used text from other websites throughout this story. I have tried to provide credits to those that produced the original material.

I have also freely used the reviews posted on the airbnb website. I think a story that provides 20 perspective is more enlightening than a story that only states my opinion.

The property owner, Blake, has managed to reflect the free spirit born in San Francisco in the 60s. The predominance of bright colors, floral details, respect for the environment and the rejection of materialism, are some of the sensations that she has managed to convey the aesthetics and rules that characterize the hippy movement that came into our lives to stay and we can revive in this place. In the words of Blake: “Live lightly on the land”. -- from California One Way

Photography: Ron Munden